Welcome to our Weekly Market Update Series! 📈 Whether you’re a prospective homebuyer or seller, we’re here to provide you with the most up-to-date insights on the housing markets in Baltimore Metro, Prince George’s County, and across the nation.
Join us each week as we analyze current local and national market trends to help you stay informed. Whether you’re actively navigating the real estate market or simply interested in keeping up with the latest developments, our series is tailored to keep you in the loop.
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National Market Updates
Baltimore Metro Market Updates
Prince Georges County Market Updates
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Is it a Good Time To Sell Your House?
Due to the seasonal changes we experience here in Maryland, this does affect the market. . Spring is certainly the most popular time to buy and sell a house.
We see the highest number of real estate listings taken in the Months of April through August and then they taper off. During the winter months we see the least amount of listings and while buyers tend to be few in the market, the ones that are shopping are usually serious buyers. Also homes look stunning during the holidays.
That being said, in winter, we do see a close price to list price ratio drop by 2-3% which suggest that sellers tend to dropping prices towards the end of the year.
Right now though It’s a seller’s market and sellers are seeing top dollar while buyers are benefiting from the extremely low-interest rates. Both buyers and sellers are being rewarded in the current market.
Is the Real Estate Market Going To Crash in 2024?
We expect to see a continuation of limited inventory with the influx of new buyers to the market as the interest rates continue to trend down.
In Which Month Does a House Sell The Fastest?
The spring months are generally fast-moving months.
Is it a Buyers or Sellers Market?
It’s a seller’s market with extremely limited inventory. Buyers should be ready to take action quickly with their very best offer when buying Real estate in 2024.
Who Can I Call to Sell My House?
Call Makeda Phillander at 443-929-0703 to buy or sell your house. Makeda is one of the top Real Estate agents in Maryland and has been helping sellers and buyer since 2013.
What are the Housing Predictions?
2024 should see a continued increase in home prices, limited inventory, and fast-selling homes. According to a new report from MoxiWorks, a real estate tech firm, home sales should still be robust during the next few months. Company CEO York Baur told Inman news that ultimately he attributed the strong sales predictions to several factors including low interest rates ” He also explained that unlike in the Great Recession, many homeowners today have significant equity in their homes, so they are more likely to sell their home than to default.
Book a call to discuss your real estate needs.