Baltimore coffee houses

10 Best Coffee Houses in Baltimore MD


Aveley Farms Coffee:  1400 Aliceanna St. 443-465-8057

Dovecote Café: 2501 Madison Ave., 443-961-8677

Hanover & Hughes Collective: 15 W. Hughes St.

Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse: 1225 Cathedral St., 443-602-7611

3 Bean Coffee: . 209 Key Highway, 410-216-3339

Ceremony Coffee:  520 Park Ave., 443-835-1659.

Greenmount Coffee Lab:  1400 Greenmount Ave., 410-862-0921.

Sophomore Coffee: 2223 Maryland Ave.

Spro Coffee: 851 W. 36th St., 410-243-1262

Vent Coffee Roasters: 1700 W. 41st St.

Courtesy of Greenmount Coffee Lab


Courtesy of @gandgbaltimore


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Baltimore coffee houses